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Carol Michaels
May 27, 2018
Improving Lung Capacity
Breathing with pursed lips is beneficial and can be used with the diaphragmatic breathing. The hand is placed on the abdomen. Inhale...

Carol Michaels
May 25, 2018
Exercise and Lung Cancer
Exercise can be beneficial for lung cancer survivors by increasing strength and endurance and decreasing emotional issues. Physical...
Sara Lindberg
Apr 28, 2018
Exercise for Heart Health
“You have six months to get these numbers under control, or I’m putting you on cholesterol medicine.” Those were the words my doctor used...

Carol Michaels
Apr 26, 2018
Using Light Weights May Not be Sufficient for Bone Health
In order to keep our bones dense we must perform weight bearing exercises and strength training. Using light weights in your exercise...

Carol Michaels
Mar 26, 2018
Using a Personal Trainer if Over 60 -Private and Small Group Sessions in West Orange, New Jersey
Should someone over age 60 start to work with a personal trainer? You might feel fine. Your weight may be in an acceptable range. So why...

Carol Michaels
Mar 20, 2018
Exercise and Thyroid Cancer
A healthy lifestyle comprised of good nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and not smoking has a positive effect on health. A stronger...

Carol Michaels
Mar 2, 2018
Is it Time to Throw Away the Sneakers?
Make sure that your your footwear is comfortable and that your sneakers are not worn out in order to keep feet healthy. 1. You need to...

Carol Michaels
Feb 26, 2018
Conference in New Jersey for Personal Trainers & Allied Professionals
Join the Medfit Network on April 13-15, 2018 in Glassboro, NJ. This two day event, hosted at Rowan University, will offer fitness &...

Carol Michaels
Feb 6, 2018
Taking Control of Heart Health for Women Over 50
Heart disease affects over one in three Americans, including 85% of people over the age of 80. As we age, it is crucial to take control...

Carol Michaels Fitness
Jan 24, 2018
Easing Back to Exercise-Personal Training and Fitness Classes in Palm Beach
If one has not exercised for a long period of time, it is recommended to slowly ease back into an exercise program. If you restart from...
Jason Lewis
Jan 13, 2018
Tips For Working Out When It’s Cold Outside in NJ
You know the value of exercise. That’s why you make the time to jog, lift weights, or take an exercise class. But when winter hits hard,...

Carol Michaels
Jan 11, 2018

Carol Michaels
Dec 30, 2017
Exercising for Weight Loss
Are you exercising properly for weight loss? If you have been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it, perhaps...

Carol Michaels
Dec 26, 2017
How to Have Lasting Exercise Success
One of my goals as a fitness professional is to motivate you to improve your fitness level. One way to do this is to find exercise...

Carol Michaels
Dec 9, 2017
Working Out at Home vs the Gym
Can you get all the exercise you need by working out at home? It depends on the individual's discipline, knowledge and experience in...
Carol Michaels
Nov 30, 2017
Avoiding Weight Gain During the Holidays
If you plan ahead you can enjoy the holidays without gaining weight. Understand your strengths and weaknesses so that you can determine...

Carol Michaels
Nov 28, 2017
Selecting a Personal Trainer
The first thing to look for is the certification of the trainer. Some certifications require little effort and education. This is an...

Carol Michaels
Oct 31, 2017
Exercise Can Decrease Arthritis Pain
Exercise can be helpful for people with arthritis. A good exercise program increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and...

Carol Michaels
Oct 25, 2017
Breast Cancer and Posture
Cancer surgery and treatments can negatively impact body posture of breast cancer survivors. Studies have shown that if you have breast...
Jordan at Beautifully Alive
Oct 18, 2017
Top 5 Exercises for Arms
Looking to get rid of those dreadful bat wings? Forget all the miraculous creams and injections – the best way to go is with some good,...
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