Fitness Expert: Speaking and Consulting
Employee Wellness

Wellness programs are an important part of an efficient business. A healthy employee is a productive employee. Carol travels the world in search of the best exercises and latest information on health related issues. She attends international symposiums, fitness expos, conferences and seminars. Carol is a sought after consultant who helps organizations improve employee health.
Carol Michaels Fitness will analyze your company and develop a wellness program that will be well structured, easily implemented and cost-effective.
Employee wellness programs can lead to:
Higher productivity and morale
Reduced employee absences
Enhanced employee loyalty
Lower health care and insurance costs
Fewer work-place injuries

Employees will be inspired to make lifestyle changes.
They will acquire team-building skills and develop positive friendships.
Carol can speak about a variety of topics and some of the popular presentation are:
Fitting In Fitness
Women’s Health Issues
Weight Management
Managing Stress
How to Age Gracefully
How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
How to Design a Complete Exercise Program
Balance and Posture Workshop
To learn about how Carol can help your business or organization call 973.379.4779 or email
I just wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful lecture today... I learned so much! - Nancy B.
IDEA Fitness, Alexandra, VA April 2019
Mirasol Country Club, Palm Beach Gardens, FL Jan 2019
Exercising with Osteoporosis
Cancer Support Community Nov 2018
Fed up with Fatigue
Cancer support Community Oct 2018
Bone health
Excel Wellness Continuing Education April 2018
Bridging the Gap Between Fitness and Medicine and Navigating Cancer and Osteoporosis
Medical Fitness Tour Glassboro, NJ April 2018
Training a Client with Osteoporosis
Mirasol Country Club January 2018
Osteoporosis Program
Holy Name Medical Center December 2017
The Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Survivors
American Cancer Society Walk-Parsippany, NJ
Represented Recovery Fitness and Pink Pearls and lead the warm up for the walk
Breast Cancer Rehabilitation & Wellness 2017 Summit
The Fitness Business Podcast
IDEA Personal Trainer Institute East
Training the Cancer Survivor
SCW Fitness
The Importance of Physical Activity in Chronic Disease
University of Pennsylvania Seminar
Exercise and Nutrition Trip to Help Navigate the Holidays
World Conference on Lung Cancer in Denver, CO
The Benefits of Exercise for Lung Cancer Survivors
IDEA Personal Trainer Institute East
Training the Cancer Survivor
International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma - in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute
Exercise in Cancer Treatment
Clinical Exercise Physiology Association
Developing an Exercise Program
Congregation B'nai Abraham
Exercise Your Way to Healthy Bones and a Healthy Weight
Integrating Exercise and Health Practices During the Holidays
Millburn Health and Wellness Co-op
Exercise and Eating Tips
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Why Exercise?
Sharsheret Teleconference
Nutrition and Exercise
American Cancer Society Annual Awareness Luncheon
The Recovery Fitness Cancer Exercise Program
ABCD After Breast Cancer Teleconference
Exercise and Cancer
FORCE-Facing Our Risk Empowered
Preparing for Surgery Through Exercise
Gilda’s Club New York City
The Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Survivors
The AICI New York Chapter (Association Image Consultants International )
Work/Life Balance After a Cancer Diagnosis
St. Barnabas Hospital
Lymphedema, Exercise and You
Millburn New Jersey Library
Beat Belly Fat, Bloating, Bone Loss, and the Blues: Simple Steps to a Better You
University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association Lecture on Exercise for Healthy Living
Exercise for Healthy Living
Living Beyond Breast Cancer - Annual Fall Conference in Philadelphia
The Importance of the Physical Activity for Breast Cancer Survivors
American Cancer Society
Recovery Fitness presentations for the ACS Educational Meeting
Atlantic Healthy Lifestyles for Atlantic Health Systems
Osteoporosis Lecture and Workshop
Pathways in Summit, NJ
The importance of Exercise in the Recovery Process
Morristown Medical Center
Wellness Fair, Maplewood, NJ
The Benefits of Pilates