Are you exercising properly for weight loss? If you have been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it, perhaps it is time to change up your workout. Think about adding an incline to your treadmill routine. You can also alternate between a comfortable pace and a rapid, high intensity speed. If you have been walking outdoors on flat land, start to add some hilly terrain. Alternating between the treadmill and other cardio machines can be helpful as can adding Zumba or spinning classes.
You might not be exercising as much or as intensely as you need to for weight loss.The machines only estimate the amount of calories used and are usually based on a man. Fitness trackers are not always accurate. It is also important to add strength training, preferably with hand weights, tubing, or your own body weight. Weight machines alter the way your body naturally moves and restricts your range of motion. If you want results, you need to incorporate exercises that allow your body to move naturally, with full range of motion. Machines also do not strengthen the small stabilizer muscles that help prevent injury and improve balance and coordination.
Strength training or resistance training is exercise using weights (or your own body weight) to strengthen and build muscle. It increases the size and strength of the muscle fibers and strengthens the tendons, ligaments, and bones. It is necessary to strength train because we lose muscle mass as we age. The good news is that you can reverse this muscle loss at any age. Muscles are metabolically active. This means that they burn calories at rest and during exercise. Strength training helps to increase our muscle mass. Since muscle is metabolically active, more muscle mass means a faster metabolism. Therefore, strength training can help you keep your weight under control and help with weight loss.