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Carol Michaels
Jul 3, 2020
Staying Fit During COVID -19 with Virtual Training, New Videos and Free Zoom Classes
Are you struggling with healthy eating and getting the right type of exercise? If you would like to create an exercise routine for...

Carol Michaels
Jun 26, 2020
How to Avoid Neck and Back Pain
Texting and hours of sitting in front of the computer is causing a head forward posture, also called text neck. The effects of chronic...

Carol Michaels
Jun 26, 2020
Managing Depression After a Cancer Diagnosis
An excellent way to manage depression after a cancer diagnosis is by participating in a Cancer Recovery Fitness program. We know that...

Carol Michaels
May 28, 2020
Oncology Exercise Video
The research is showing that exercise can reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. This DVD is designed for someone going through cancer...

Carol Michaels
May 27, 2020
5 Strength Exercises to Enhance Your Mobility
Guest Post from Shaun DMello Most of us regard strength exercises simply as a way to build muscle mass and shed excess weight. This is a...

Carol Michaels
Apr 24, 2020
Zoom Exercise Classes
Join us every Monday at 12:30 pm for a safe strength training and stretching class. This exercise program has been developed for those...

Carol Michaels
Apr 23, 2020
Cancer Recovery Fitness®
I am opening another Cancer Recovery Fitness® exercise virtual zoom cancer exercise session on Tuesday at 11am. It is so important to...

Carol Michaels
Apr 23, 2020
We are in the Twilight Zone-Virtual Training
We live in the eerie reality of this corona virus environment. This crisis has exposed the cracks in our health care system. Although...

Carol Michaels
Mar 24, 2020
How Do I Reach My Wellness Goals
Guest blog by Atara Weisberger-Tribe Health and Wellness Coaching "I want to start running. I want to exercise regularly. I want to lose...

Carol Michaels
Mar 24, 2020
Wellness Goals
Truth #1 Truth #1 Guest Blog - Atara Weisberger-Tribe Health and Fitness Coaching I could choose one word to describe modern American...

Carol Michaels
Feb 28, 2020
Strength Training and Balance Exercises for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a silent disease because it progresses without visible symptoms. There are no symptoms in the early stages. Most people...

Carol Michaels
Feb 22, 2020
It is Never Too Late to Improve Your Health
I have been working with several clients in Palm Beach this season who were in pain, tired easily, and were not happy with their...

Carol Michaels
Feb 22, 2020
Don't Give Up on Physical Activity
You are without a doubt improving your health if you are exercising and eating in a healthy manner. Several very important health issues...

Carol Michaels Fitness
Jan 26, 2020
The Osteoporosis and Cancer Connection part 2
Prevention of osteoporosis is key and exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes should be emphasized to help prevent bone loss.

Carol Michaels Fitness
Jan 24, 2020
The Osteoporosis and Cancer Connection part 1
Breast cancer and prostate cancer patients need to be made aware of their increased risk of osteoporsis.

Dr. Brent Wells
Dec 24, 2019
How Bad Posture Affects Your Health and Best Ways for How to Fix it
We all know that having bad posture is harmful for our spine and back. But did you know that bad posture can affect your body and health...

Leah Rosenbaum
Dec 2, 2019
Cancer Recovery Prescription—Exercise
Janet Rubin was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 and soon after underwent a bilateral mastectomy. She then had TRAM flap...
Nancy Litterman Howe MS, CES
Nov 21, 2019
Is Cancer Rehabilitation a Good Option for You? It’s Never Too Late to Ask for a Referral
Many patients with cancer and cancer survivors suffer from pain and impaired functioning as a result of cancer treatment, even years...

Carol Lane
Nov 17, 2019
How Exercising Can Save You Time and Money
“I’m too busy to workout” and “I can’t afford a gym membership” are two of the many excuses people often use to avoid exercising. It’s...

Carol Michaels
Nov 9, 2019
Should Someone Over 60 Need to Recover from an Exercise?
A person over 60 should typically not have to “recover” after exercising. A senior who is working out should gradually improve their...
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