Using kettlebells is one of the most efficient ways to build muscle and burn calories. In one workout, you can strengthen muscles and bones; and obtain aerobic benefits too! Because it is a very time efficient form of exercise, it eliminates the excuse of not having enough time to exercise. The kettlebell workout can be modified for every fitness level and chronic condition.
The calorie burn from using kettlebells can be comparable or even higher than from using a treadmill. Another benefit is that the entire body is being used to perform the exercises. In many aerobic exercises or when using the bicycle or treadmill machines, only the legs are being used. Kettlebell exercise uses numerous muscle groups. It is a great way to integrate the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings which is very important for those of us that sit most of the day. It is also a functional exercise as opposed to a weight machine that just isolates muscle groups.
Because kettlebells can help build muscles and increase bone density, the use of kettlebells will provide a metabolism boost and all of the benefits of using hand weights. What is particularly unique is that using kettlebells requires the body to have to deal with the deceleration of the swing. Not only do you use the muscles of the upper and lower body -the core is being strengthened too! The core needs to stabilize the body while performing the exercises especially during the deceleration phase. The core will be strengthened in ways that traditional abdominal work will not be able to.
Kettlebells are also being used to train for sports. It helps the athlete simulate conditions that he or she will be dealing with during competition. Light-weight kettlebells can also be used to rehab after an injury. Rehab with kettlebells, prepares one for the requirements of the sport.
A workout using kettlebells, can be varied and bring a wide range of benefits. You will never be bored. The exercise can be done in a small area. There are not many exercises that can provide the wide range of benefits and that can be obtained in a small space.
But it is necessary to learn how to use the kettlebells properly to avoid injury. If the body is not in correct position, it can be dangerous, especially if using a heavy kettlebells. Proper training is crucial. We will have kettle bell workshops this fall. Contact Carol Michaels at caroljmichaels@gmail.com or go to www.CarolMichaelsFitness.com
In home personal training is also available in Short Hills, Millburn, West Orange, Maplewood, South Orange, Livingston, Verona, Montclair, Caldwell, Roseland, Summit, and Chatham.