by Ruhul Amin TrustedGolfer.com
Golf is one of the most technical sports and requires great muscular balance. An athlete's motor skills must be in the right spot and move harmoniously to facilitate the most efficient swing.
With many golfers, the most common physical limitations with regard to muscular balance are a lack of internal rotation of the hip and a lack of external rotation of the shoulder.
The following golf exercises will help golfers hone their swing and ultimately improve their game.
With gyms closed and access to equipment limited, it's hard to exercise these days. Fortunately, there are many simple exercises you can do at home that can have a positive impact on both your health and your game of golf.
The home exercises are suitable for golfers of all ages and fitness levels. Even better, none of these require special equipment.
1. Pelvic Rotations
When you look at the professionals, one of the biggest differences you'll notice is how well the hips can separate from the upper body at the start of the descent. This separation stretches your core muscles, loading them with power and aiding your swing analyzed.
During this exercise, be sure to rotate your hips while keeping your upper body still. This is a great way to improve your mobility, which is necessary to create that all-important separation.You should feel a great stretch in your obliques, the muscles on the sides of your midsection.
2. Push-ups
Push-ups can be extremely beneficial to your overall strength and golf swing. To properly prepare for a push-up, place your hands under your shoulders and your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure to keep a neutral spine, as evidenced by the dowel rod on my back in the video below. Your body should move as one piece with a controlled tempo to make sure you are working the correct muscles. Basically, the pushup is a moving board. To ensure that your push-ups use your full range of motion, your chest and hips should touch the floor as you lower. If doing push-ups is too difficult, raise your hands to the side of a sofa, table, or counter. The higher your hands are, the easier the bending will be.
3. The squat
Your golf swing isn't just about your arms, it's also about your legs. The hip flexors, quads, and glutes are crucial components in a long, straight push. Despite this, most golfers attack the golf ball using the upper body at the beginning of the downswing. With your downswing, any tension in the calf muscles or lack of stability in the hips leads to a compromised posture. With the backswing, poor posture is usually due to limited mobility of the back muscles and thoracic spine.
However, squatting off the field allows you to correct both. Many people perform split leg squats incorrectly. Your goal is to lunge forward as you go down. Your weight shifts forward and puts undue stress on the front knee joint.
Instead, try the variation below. Take a step back to the position and pay attention to how the athlete in the video below uses his back leg as a driver in this exercise. This is the correct way to do this exercise.
4. The leg swing
Hip stiffness can really hamper your swing. If you are right-handed, the power is generated from the right glute during the backswing and downswing. That's why you need hip mobility to increase your riding distance.
The leg swing will increase the mobility of the legs, hips, and lower back. This allows you to increase the speed of your swing without injuring yourself from hyperextending your joints.
5. Full Body Turn
This is an excellent exercise to improve your backswing rotation and trail shoulder flexibility. Using a golf club will help your turn and help you go further than you would otherwise.
You should feel a great stretch around your rib cage, mid-back, and shoulders during this exercise. This is also a great exercise to do before playing round or hitting range.
6. Deadbugs
Dead bugs are a great exercise to strengthen your core. You
need strength in your midsection in order to effectively transfer power from your lower body to your upper body in the golf swing. During this exercise, it is incredibly important to keep your lower back flat against the floor to ensure that your abs are working.
7. The hip crossover
Your hips help generate power, maintain shape, and control the precision of your swing. If you don't rotate your hips the entire swing, you can end up pushing or pulling your punches and ultimately lose power.In fact, the transition from backswing to downswing is where many golfers fall because they lose power at the hips. To avoid this fate, you must rotate your hips to maximize your mobility.
The hip crossover is perfect for improving mobility and power. This exercise helps you separate control between your shoulders and your pelvis and improve your precision when driving the ball.
I hope this small guide has been helpful to you. Golf strength and conditioning is a great topic to cover, but I think the exercises and tips above are a great resource for developing yourself as a golfer and athlete.
Get off to a good start, build a solid foundation of stability and mobility. As you go through the weeks, add some golf strength exercises.